Back to Work After 20 Years: Serendipity and the Volunteer
April 7th, 2017
One of my blog readers sent me this note—inspiration for any woman who thinks she has been out of the workforce too long to land a significant job… “After more than 20 years at home, with a long resume of volunteering at my children’s schools and at three non-profits, I am about to start my first…

When Work Works: Think Long-Term and Go With the Flow
September 8th, 2016
Lynn, a professional woman in Minnesota, read a post on Linked that mentioned the book I have underway, The Flexible Work Fix: A Caring Woman’s Guide to Blending Family, Work & Financial Security. She then posted this comment that shows both the challenges and rewards of going with the flow and trying hard to always find a…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: How to Make Networking Conversations Count
September 9th, 2015
In this early stage of Jane’s job search, she has witnessed the power of Linkedin. To up her chances of having a few online job applications noticed, she has contacted several first and second-degree connections who have in turn contacted influential insiders on her behalf. She has also found “ins” to companies that are on…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: The Cover Letter Sells Your Fit for the Job
September 1st, 2015
While Jane (the 56-year-old California woman navigating her way back to full-time work) has been laying the foundation for her job search, she tells me she can’t help but apply to some interesting jobs that she sees online. That’s OK, as long as she focuses only 5% of her job search time in what is all…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: How to Network Your Foot in the Door
September 1st, 2015
Jane (the 56-year-old woman navigating her way back to work) is just about ready with all her job search sales tools (primarily her resume and Linkedin profile), and she is researching companies that she’d like to target. This is when the job search must become very proactive—you can’t wait around for desirable job postings to…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: Permission to “Brag” in Your Resume Summary Statement
August 25th, 2015
Many years ago I met an “executive coach to the stars” who had a long list of clients in the C-suite. One of her clients was between big jobs and needed to refine the summary statement on her resume. Many weeks later that same woman who had been the CEO of two big company…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: Look for the Office Vibe, Not Age Cohort
August 25th, 2015
Jane (the 56-year-old woman navigating her way back to work) is making progress with her job search foundation…getting all her ducks in a row for the post-Labor Day “back to business” rush. In the past couple of weeks she has… Whittled her resume down from three pages to two Enhanced her Linkedin profile—by changing to a more professional…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: The Modern Resume
August 18th, 2015
Back in 2002 when I was fishing around for a new entrepreneurial idea, I thought about the number of women I met who told me, with great chagrin, “I’d love to work again but I don’t know who would want me now after so many years out of the workforce”. Hmmmmm….I would think as I…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: What’s My Current Job Level? How Do I Explain the Gap?
August 18th, 2015
Since my last blog posts about Jane’s Journey Back to Work, Jane has been working on her resume and Linkedin profile, delegating household tasks to her family to free up more job search time—and most importantly, rebuilding her confidence. She tells me that she has new feelings of pride as she refocuses her sense of self…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: The Linkedin Profile
August 4th, 2015
In a related blog post I told the story of Jane from California, a 56-year-old woman who is looking to return to permanent work after raising her two children. Initially I asked her to send me three things: her resume, Linkedin profile and a “60 second elevator speech” that describes her professional experience and the…