Could that Roadblock in Your Work+Life…Be You?

May 22nd, 2014

With my book underway, I’m interviewing many people who know firsthand the trials and tribulations women experience with life’s “you never knows”. Every year LouAnn Bloomer, the CEO of TBICO in Danbury, Connecticut, helps more than 500 women move past unexpected adversity, and she has some simple, but powerful lessons for any…

A Day in the Life of A Savvy Job Seeker

April 22nd, 2014

Whenever I hear about a recent college grad or a seasoned professional who has “searched and searched for a job” to no avail, I immediately wonder: “Does this person know that finding a job is a full-time sales job?” More often than not, job seekers put forth a sporadic, part-time effort, rely primarily on internet…

Don’t Put Your Job Search Cart Before the Horse

April 10th, 2014

Looking to make a change to your work-life status? You might be considering or ready for a return the workforce.  The approaching summer months could be reminding you that you want to downsize your career. Or you may be starting or continuing a job search after a layoff or career change of heart. In all…

Choose Your Work+Life Path Based on Fit, Not Fear

February 13th, 2014

Facebook and Twitter are cluttered with pithy quotes, and “thoughts of the day”.  With so much to read I often skip over these motivational mantras—but one attributed to Cathie Black made me stop and stare: “How Wide a Frame Can You Put Around Your Future?” Black, a former president of Hearst Magazines, wrote a letter…

Cross This One Resolution Off Your Job Search List

January 13th, 2014

From about mid-November to New Year’s Day, the activity of many job seekers comes to a screeching halt. Though it’s not the case that recruiters are trussing turkeys and holiday shopping non-stop through this period, it’s true that it can be harder to get their attention amid the blinking Christmas tree lights. And then suddenly…

Message to Pessimistic Job Seekers: The Buck Stops With You

November 4th, 2013

Whether the target is a retail job on Main Street or an executive-level job in the C-suite, stress is still high among long frustrated job seekers.  There’s no shortage of fingers pointing at potential culprits—depending on your politics it could be the House, the Senate, Obamacare or presidents who have long left Washington, D.C. When…

Don’t Go Hitching Your Workhorse to the Wrong Wagon

August 6th, 2013

In my work I see so many women who at their wit’s end–trying to find a way to make work work.  They are usually mothers who are working in jobs that do not have an ounce of flexibility.  Or they are mothers who want or need to work but can’t figure out how they will…

Search for a Fit, Not a Job

May 29th, 2013

If you’re a job seeking “circle” you’re not going to fit into an employer “square”.  It’s all about a snug fit—and as a job seeker, your mission is to convince employers that your skills and experience match all or most of their increasingly specific needs. This point was very well illustrated in a New York…

Shortest Article Ever Written on Linkedin

May 6th, 2013

Many very smart people write articles about the benefits of Linkedin, and there are always valuable nuggets of information for those who are social media  newbies or pros. But if you’re still confused about this terrific networking and job search tool, there is no better resource than the clear and concise Linkedin created on their…

Close the Wage Gap at the Starting Gate

April 18th, 2013

All reporting on the wage gap makes it sound like companies have one pay scale for women and another for men. Though many things in Corporate America aren’t “fair”, I’m sure this is not true—and I certainly did not see any evidence of this institutionalized, across-the-board discrimination during my many recruiting years. As I read…