Follow-Up: The Job Search Magic Wand
April 18th, 2013
When you’re new to the job search game and your first resume is not filled with impressive jobs or internships, it can seem like employers are on pedestals as high as the presidency of the United States. As a result, new college graduates often lack confidence and wait for jobs to land on their laps….

Make Your Job Search A Business, Not A Hobby
April 2nd, 2013
I’ve heard too many sad stories of recent college graduates who are pining away the hours in their childhood bedrooms, dreaming of a new life they just can’t seem to grab. Their parents say things like “bad economy”, “no jobs out there”, “been searching for over a year”, “sends out resumes with no response”, “never…

Get on the Employer Wavelength to Find a Job
April 2nd, 2013
If I had the resources of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or another major philanthropist, I’d find a way to “send a memo” to every job seeker in America. My message would be this: get off job boards, stop calling recruiters and forget newspaper ads. Despite many media reports to the contrary, most job seekers–even at…

A Simple Formula for Networking on Linkedin
March 26th, 2013
Tired of hearing about networking? Wish you could just push a button and get a job? That would be nice, but the reality is that you can never get enough networking tips. It’s the way you actually will find a job. Linkedin is your online networking vehicle–and any job seeker who does not have a…

Making the Switch from Corporate to Non-Profit Jobs
March 26th, 2013
Women I coach often come to me with visions of leaving Corporate America for a job with more meaning. They’re tired of helping companies sell cosmetics, cars or bonds and they want to find a way to “do well by doing good”. This is an admirable quest, but you have to do a lot of…

Network While You Live Your Life
March 25th, 2013
When you’re graduating from college everyone tells you to “network” to find your first job. For many young people networking is a foreign concept. Call the few people you worked for in summer jobs and internships? Write a note to friends of your parents? Sign up for Linkedin? Yes, these all fall under the networking…

Make Linkedin a Return-to-Work Pal
February 26th, 2013
If you’re looking to return to work after a long time home with family, your new best friend is Linkedin. Back in the day we all got chummy with various recruiting firms and waited for them to give us an interview schedule. Now it’s up to you to make things happen, and all the action…

Selling Your Volunteer Resume
February 26th, 2013
For over two decades I have lived and worked in Volunteer-Land—a New York City suburb filled with smart, well-educated, highly accomplished women who have traded paid work for volunteer jobs of every shape and size. You’re probably one of these great women who have given endless hours to schools, community organizations, national non-profits and more….

Tell Your Story, Find a Job
February 26th, 2013
The buzz in marketing now is telling a story about a product or service—not just listing features on packaging or advertisements. That story concept is spilling over to the marketing of human talent, too. Companies hire people—but it’s hard to tell if a candidate is interesting, dynamic or compelling from a standard issue resume. A…

7 Reasons Why Jane Has No Job
February 8th, 2013
Today I had a coaching session with a bright and accomplished 2011 college grad who has not yet found a job. Before I spoke with this young woman (I’ll call her Jane), I was impressed with her internship and overall work experience, but could see room for improvement on her resume and Linkedin profile. After…