Shallow Networking…So Yesterday
March 20th, 2012
Here’s a networking quiz…which of the following is the most effective way to network? Hand out your business card to everyone you meet—and even post it on the community board at the carwash Attend every networking meeting that you can find and hand out as many business cards as possible. Find a really quiet coffee…

Meet Facebook for Grown-Ups
March 13th, 2012
Ever heard the expression “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know?” Rest assured that the knowledge you’ve acquired through endless hours of studying will indeed pay off, but it’s also very true that “who you know” will be an even more powerful factor when you’re out looking for a summer or permanent job….

Get Linked-in B4 You’re Forced Out
March 13th, 2012
In a precarious job market, you have to have eyes in the back of your head. Even the best job can become the worst job when a department is restructured, and in a difficult economy you just never know when your job could be in peril. This means that to some degree you always have…

Hope is Not a Strategy
March 13th, 2012
A smart, humorous and very witty guy I know lost his senior-level job and lived to tell the story. To document the experience he wrote a job seeker’s manifesto called “Hope is Not a Strategy”. Though my focus is wholly on women, I find that men sometimes have good ideas, too—so I’m sharing some of…

It’s Not the Money, It’s the Money
March 13th, 2012
Most people like to make money. Most women who have been volunteering their time for years love the idea of returning to work and actually being paid for their time. But few returning professionals really think through how much money they will be comfortable earning. In any circumstance money is a tricky issue. In our…

You’re Not Unemployed, You Have a Sales Job
February 17th, 2012
For the past 10 years I’ve been observing how women conduct a job search. And although my work has been focused on women, I’ve also seen how plenty of men search for a job. And the fact is that even in the most robust economy, I contend that a very high percentage of today’s job…

Search Your Soul Before You Search for a Job
February 16th, 2012
Transitioning from stay-at-home-Mom and volunteer to “returning professional” cannot happen overnight. It’s a big change for you and your family and there are endless details to consider. Too often women start the process of searching for work before they’ve searched their souls. That may sound a little dramatic—what does soul searching…