Check all that are possible in your life:
- Your own job loss
- A partner’s job loss
- Inconsistent income for your household’s major breadwinner
- Unexpected financial support for 1 to 4 elderly parents/in-laws
- Long-term financial support for adult children
- Major illness in immediate family and unreimbursed medical expenses
- Long-term disability of your household’s major breadwinner
- Divorce
- Insufficient Social Security earning credits for your own benefits eligibility
- Inadequate retirement savings.
If you checked one or more of these possible life surprises that have long-term financial consequences, it’s wise to always find flexible work that fits your life!
Kathryn Sollmann, a career coach and speaker, is on a mission to keep women in the workplace at every age and stage and throughout child and aging parent caregiving roles. She is the author of “Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead” (Nicholas Brealey, Hachette Business Group, October 2018)