How to Advance Your Career: 15 Doses of “Vitamin C” for Confidence
January 12th, 2015
For working women at all ages and stages, the stress of growing friendships, family and career can often cause a deficiency of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. To get ahead without leaving your best self behind, here are 15 healthy doses of Vitamin “C” for 2015: ADMIT WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE IT ALL…

Choose Your Work+Life Path Based on Fit, Not Fear
February 13th, 2014
Facebook and Twitter are cluttered with pithy quotes, and “thoughts of the day”. With so much to read I often skip over these motivational mantras—but one attributed to Cathie Black made me stop and stare: “How Wide a Frame Can You Put Around Your Future?” Black, a former president of Hearst Magazines, wrote a letter…

Just Do It All
September 13th, 2013
Here’s a revolutionary thought: instead of wasting a lot of time wondering whether you can or should “have it all” (family and career), how about realizing that for most women it makes long-term sense to DO IT ALL. What am I saying, exactly? I’m saying that with few exceptions most women need to (as I…

Career Reinvention: Working for Hope in the Global Village
June 27th, 2013
In the tiny, quaint, affluent village of Southport, Connecticut, Barb Johnson sells an awe-inspiring collection of clothing and accessories to empower women to survive and thrive in remote villages around the world. A visit to her shop, Mama Jane’s Global Boutique, is an education in the museum-quality work of ancient artisans in South Africa, Kenya,…

Big Business Comes in Small Packages, Too
June 27th, 2013
What does an honors finance and accounting major at Georgetown do after donning cap and gown? “I did what all the smart kids did”, says Katie Sanford, sitting in the clothing and accessories store she now manages with her mother. “I went after the most obvious big business opportunities, interviewed with big banks and then…

Getaway Mom Gets Back to Work
June 19th, 2013
The zeitgeist has finally caught on to the fact that all women do not fit into either the “working” or “not working” box. I created 9 Lives for Women because I know it’s not so black and white: most women have one foot in and one foot out of the workforce for much of their…

It’s a Mindset: Could 80 be the New Middle Age?
May 3rd, 2013
Because my mother died at age 60, the issue of longevity is always on my mind. I love reading any study about people living longer with greater productivity. And I especially loved reading that 80 is the new middle age. Sounds somewhat far-fetched, but I’ll choose to believe it. This fact was buried in an interesting…

Buy Reinvention with Your Day Job
May 2nd, 2013
If your reinvention plan includes an entrepreneurial venture, don’t give up your day job too soon. The paycheck that automatically appears each month for your current job will disappear, and within minutes you could be on less even financial footing. No one can predict new business cash flow with 100% certainty, and you have to…

When Necessity is the Mother of Your Re-Invention
April 18th, 2013
Reinvention can sound like a luxury for the wealthy and secure. There’s a misconception that reinventors are the chosen few who can take lots of time to dream up jobs that will make them happy– whether or not the compensation “pays the rent”. Many reinventors, though, are frustrated job seekers forced to think out of…

Act 2 Career: Profit from Your Passions
April 3rd, 2013
For many years widely recognized Career Coach Nancy Collamer has been helping people turn the seemingly impossible into the possible. When we first became acquainted, she was helping women find professional and creative ways to start businesses and earn money without ever leaving their homes. For many who needed the extra income she was a…