Work Isn’t Black and White
June 27th, 2012
Stay at home or sell your soul to the world of work? That’s the black and white decision many women think they’re facing. In reality there are many (non X-rated) shades of grey. After a decade’s focus on finding women flexible work, I know that part-time jobs—outside of retail stores—are very hard to find. …

Work at Home That’s Legit
June 14th, 2012
In a tough job market in a tough economy, sometimes you have to think of non-traditional ways to fill your wallet. If you’re on interview #354, “make money at home” ads might be catching your eye. But how do you know what’s real and legitimate among so-called business opportunities? One of my blog readers, Susan…

Find Flexibility in the Hours You Fly Solo
May 3rd, 2012
When it comes to flexibility, you have to be a bit of a pioneer. Sure, it would be great if jobs came with a menu of possible work arrangements, but flexibility is still something that you have to make happen—like it or not. It’s not that flexibility does not exist in today’s workplace. It most…

Work with a View
April 9th, 2012
Just about all professionals are concerned with work-life balance. Not so many spend as much time thinking about their work-life view. Deb Martin (a freelance writer and editor originally from Westchester County, New York) and her partner Jim Richards (a photographer and technology consultant who spent years knocking around the Rocky Mountains), think first about…

Sell Your Value and Buy Flexibility
March 29th, 2012
On recent long flight I watched the movie, “I Don’t Know How She Does It”. If you feel like your head is a supersonic “To Do” list missile headed for an unknown planet, and you’re trying to hold it all together before opting out of the workforce, you’ve got to see it! It’s cute, funny…

Make A Professional Case for Flexibility
February 27th, 2012
In all my experience coaching women, no one has ever told me that they left the workforce because they hated working. Most women say they left because once they had a family they couldn’t make work work. If you’re a mother who is working 60+ hours in your employer’s office each week, commuting and bringing…