Zip Down Smart Short-Cuts to Flexible Jobs

December 4th, 2017

The best way to find any kind of job—flexible or otherwise—is through relentless networking among people you know and new connections you continually make via LinkedIn and other resources. There are some very viable short-cuts, however, that should be in your flexible job search toolbox. SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS: A frequent concern I hear…

Savor the Full Menu of Flexible Work

December 1st, 2017

Do you still think “work” is defined in one narrow, traditional, more-than-full-time, sell-your-soul way? Time to broaden your horizons! Today many flexwork options exist beyond the obvious “part-time job”. There are actually seven kinds of flexwork that involve compensation from a company other than an entrepreneurial venture of your own: FULL-TIME WORK WITH FLEX HOURS: For many women a “permanent”, full-time…

Share A Job and Get A Life

November 19th, 2017

It’s no secret that every employer would prefer to have all employees at their desks all the time. Despite the fact that technology keeps everyone connected from any corner of the world, employers like to know they can walk down the hall and solve a problem face to face. For this reason, a job share…

Decades of Flexwork Ahead: You’re Defined By Attitude, Not Age

November 5th, 2017

There has never been a better time for women to work as much or as little as they want—for as long as they want. If you need to play catch-up with your retirement savings, there’s no hard stop for work at age sixty-five. Corporations are seeking out seasoned experts who can consult on a wide…

A Home Run “Elevator Pitch” to Land that Coveted Flexible Job

September 28th, 2017

Two of my coaching clients have done a particularly great job of creating an elevator pitch for flexwork—and their examples can help many other smart women with what can be a daunting and exasperating task. What, exactly, is a “60-Second Elevator Pitch”?  It’s a brief advertisement that tells any networking contact who you are and the…

What Women Need to Work at Home

September 27th, 2017

Looking for the ultimate in work flexibility? Many would agree it’s the ability to work at home. There’s nothing better than a 2-minute commute to your desk without the hassle of trains, planes or automobiles. As great as a home office seems, though, it’s not for everyone. Some people just need the structure of an employer’s…

You Can Change Industries & Gain Flexibility When You Connect the Dots

September 9th, 2017

Though flexibility can be found at most companies, more evolved work structures in your particular industry or work function may be far and few between. Getting to a more progressive company means that you have to zero in on your key skills and show exactly how they can be applied to a new area. To illustrate, I’ll use a story from my own career…

“Work at Home”: All Work and No Playdough

July 28th, 2017

Pamela La Gioia, the CEO of Chicago-based Telework Recruiting, wisely points out that flexwork is not a substitute for childcare. Pamela’s company helps professionals find work that can be done at home, but she knows that work cannot be done simultaneously with dress-up, tea parties or playing blocks. If you plan to work at home and…

15 Women Share Wisdom On Work+Life Decisions & Financial Security

July 14th, 2017

As research for my upcoming book, I’ve connected with so many interesting women nationwide. They’ve shared great wisdom about the impact of work and life decisions on their long-term financial security. In their words there is evidence that it’s smart to always “find the work that fits your life”—even small part-time jobs—as a cushion against…

Not So Elusive After All: 5 Tips To Find Flexible Work

June 8th, 2017

Work flexibility can seem like a fairytale—with a happy ending for only a lucky few. It really does exist in large scale ways at some big, progressive companies. It can also be found in smaller-scale, sometimes under-the-radar ways at many companies of every other size. This is a note I received from one woman who feels…