Decades of Flexwork Ahead: You’re Defined By Attitude, Not Age
November 5th, 2017
There has never been a better time for women to work as much or as little as they want—for as long as they want. If you need to play catch-up with your retirement savings, there’s no hard stop for work at age sixty-five. Corporations are seeking out seasoned experts who can consult on a wide…

What Women Need to Work at Home
September 27th, 2017
Looking for the ultimate in work flexibility? Many would agree it’s the ability to work at home. There’s nothing better than a 2-minute commute to your desk without the hassle of trains, planes or automobiles. As great as a home office seems, though, it’s not for everyone. Some people just need the structure of an employer’s…

“Work at Home”: All Work and No Playdough
July 28th, 2017
Pamela La Gioia, the CEO of Chicago-based Telework Recruiting, wisely points out that flexwork is not a substitute for childcare. Pamela’s company helps professionals find work that can be done at home, but she knows that work cannot be done simultaneously with dress-up, tea parties or playing blocks. If you plan to work at home and…

15 Women Share Wisdom On Work+Life Decisions & Financial Security
July 14th, 2017
As research for my upcoming book, I’ve connected with so many interesting women nationwide. They’ve shared great wisdom about the impact of work and life decisions on their long-term financial security. In their words there is evidence that it’s smart to always “find the work that fits your life”—even small part-time jobs—as a cushion against…

Not So Elusive After All: 5 Tips To Find Flexible Work
June 8th, 2017
Work flexibility can seem like a fairytale—with a happy ending for only a lucky few. It really does exist in large scale ways at some big, progressive companies. It can also be found in smaller-scale, sometimes under-the-radar ways at many companies of every other size. This is a note I received from one woman who feels…

Finding Flexible Work: No Longer A Needle in a Haystack
April 7th, 2017
I just don’t buy the fact that thousands of women are desperate to break the glass ceiling. In the last 15 years of working with women, I’ve met very few of these high-flyers. I’ve met lots of MBAs who became mothers and then ran away from inflexible employers. I’ve met lots of young women gung-ho…

20 Questions to Zero in on the Work Flexibility You Want
June 22nd, 2015
Just about every working human would like a flexible schedule, and most mothers jump quickly to the idea of part-time. Before you give up full-time hours, however—and a full-time salary that could greatly impact your long-term financial security—ask yourself the question that tops this article’s list: Is what I really need a better system…

Resume-Building Work Can Be Easy on Your Life
April 29th, 2015
Five years ago, Liz left a vice president level job at a Fortune 500 company for a family hiatus. At the time she loved her work, but it wasn’t fitting her life. She had a baby and two young children, and the commute in and out of New York City to a job that was…

Freelancers Have Their Professional Cake and Eat It, Too
October 16th, 2013
A recent college graduate I know just got her first professional job offer for a freelance position. Knowing that I’m in the business of giving career advice, she asked whether I thought she should accept. As I considered her question, I realized that the answer is important not only for new college graduates, but any…

Promote Your Personal Brand in the Freelance “Gig Economy”
April 4th, 2013
Tired of working for someone else? Determined that your reinvention will include freelance work? You’ve got the right idea to join a burgeoning employment market, but you still have to make sure that you sell your personal brand. Career coach and personal branding specialist Randi Bussin of Aspire! in Boston points out that freelancing may…