Happy National Flex Day!
October 15th, 2018
Today there are two websites you should make time to visit: FlexJobs and its sister site 1 Million for Work Flexibility. Both sites will show you the types of companies, industries and job functions offering flexible work and they are also the sponsors of National Flex Day. Today and every day they’re always spreading the…

There’s A Huge Landscape of Flexible Work: Any Industry, Any Location
September 28th, 2018
As the official launch of my book nears, Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead, my premise that all women can work in a flexible way draws enthusiasm, relief and a bit of skepticism, too. Women who have experience in traditionally rigid industries (finance, law, or…

Need A Career Passion? Make it Flexible Work
September 18th, 2018
Beth Cabrera, author of Women, Work and Well-Being, and an endorser of Ambition Redefined, recently wrote an article that I think you should share with everyone you know: your friends, your kids, your colleagues and most importantly, yourself. The title is “Want to Be Happy At Work? Forget About Passion”, and it’s one of the…

Here’s How Much Just Three Years Out of the Workforce Costs
August 27th, 2018
There’s an important New York Times article that all women should read whether they have young children at home or not: “The Costs of Motherhood are Rising, and Catching Woman Off Guard”. We all have daughters, nieces or friends who struggle to mesh family and professional roles—and this is an article we should all talk…

2 Resume Deal-Breakers When You’re Searching for A Flexible Job
August 19th, 2018
In my coaching practice, I review lots of resumes. Along with a LinkedIn profile it’s the baseline job search tool that sells your strengths. But almost every time—whether the resume belongs to a young woman right out of college or a senior exec—it’s lacking the proof that efforts led to measurable success. When you’re looking for…

4 Reasons Why You’re Not a “Lightweight” If You Want Flexible Work
July 23rd, 2018
Recently I met with a coaching client who is a young, successful professional at a big New York City bank. She has an MBA from a top school, she has progressed rapidly to a senior level, she has been targeted for big promotions and she’s generally living the dream of what many would call an…

2 Surprising Life “You Never Knows” Women Need to Fund
June 14th, 2018
Not every woman needs to work to pay her family’s monthly bills, but very few women can dismiss the fact that a current resume and even a small, steady income strengthens their own long-term financial security. This fact holds true despite two big caregiving jobs—children and aging parents—and as I say in my book, flexwork…

Guest Post: The Inside Scoop on Flexible Workplaces for Women
June 11th, 2018
You hear that flexwork exists…but where? Many women can’t find a flexibility policy in their employee handbooks and see only a few women working anything but the full-time, chained-to-your-desk office grind. Women who left the workforce when flexibility seemed an impossibility just don’t believe times have changed. But they have. And Fairygodboss is making sure…

Follow Your Own Path to Financial Security (It’s Okay to Lean In-Between)
June 5th, 2018
To some degree, women working more-than-full-time professionally and women at home caring for the minute-by-minute needs of family believe at least a few blades of grass are greener on the other side. There will always be pros and cons to every work and life choice, but it’s safe to say that life can be less…

A Flexible Job that Sent a Daughter to College
May 19th, 2018
Amy Sheinberg began her career on Wall Street, at a time when the idea of working anything less than 60 hours a week was about as possible as flying your car to the moon. She was working in a predominantly male environment, so she fully expected that her first maternity leave would mark the end…